Upper secondary
In Switzerland I obtained the DEEM, a habilitation to teaching in upper secondary schools (gymnases). As part of the degree, I taught two classes at the ECGF, one in mathematics and another in physics, from late 2023 to the end of the academic year in 2024.
Previously, I had participated in the STIMULUS programme at the University of Cambridge, helping out in an A-Level classroom.
Lower secondary
For all of 2022 and much of 2023, I taught various classes in a lower secondary school in Lausanne. This included long-term teacher subtitutions (for mathematics, physics and ancient Greek), as well as many many short-term teacher substitutions in a variety of subjects (Latin, English, French, Italian, geography, history,…).
Like most people in science, I have over the years tutored a number of students of various ages in various subjects, technical or not, both in English and in French.
Teaching Resources
Here I’ll link anything of mine I find may be useful to other teachers, as well as resources made by others which I feel may be obscure enough to warrant linking.
Own work
- Outils d’adaptativité (fr). This is a project conducted in the context of my teaching degree (deem). We were tasked with creating an automatically-generated problem set encouraging students to think about their choice of method. We ended up implementing this as a (Lua)LaTeX document.
Others’ work
- Dériver: s’entraîner aux dérivées (fr). Tool designed by my friend Paul Stucki to help students practice taking derivatives of rational polynomial functions, exponentials, and logarithms. Try it out!